Disciple-Making Mindsets in Crisis Response- Cindy Anderson

Growing up overseas in different crisis locations, Cindy and her husband have walked through decades of navigating when crises happen in-country. This has opened their eyes to many opportunities God opens in those times, with choices of what you look for. Walking alongside local brothers and sisters, being present with them. 

Mindset matters in crisis and disciple-making, to see the two happen together.

Cindy’s new book, the Multiplier’s Mindset speaks of 17 shifts needed to see disciple-making sustain multiplication. This book can also be read through the lens of long-term crisis recovery and rebuilding, of the mindset shifts to be discipled in the process!

“We must assume God is in the crisis.” - Cindy

Get the book:  www.MultipliersMindset.com 


Community Responses to Disaster With Team Expansion - Linda Epeards


BigLife Crisis Response is Increasing Movements- John Heerema & Forrest Head